Have you ever thought, “Someday I’d like to write a book that inspires people”? This is a beautiful vision, but how do you even start? Wouldn’t it be great if someone could take away the overwhelm, cut through the confusion, demystify the publishing process, and help you make your dream of writing a book come true?
That’s exactly what I do in my free guide, 5 Essential Keys to Writing, Publishing, and Marketing Your Soulful Book.
You can enter your email below to download it.

If we’re just meeting for the first time, I’m so happy our paths have crossed! I’m Dan Teck, a writer, editor, book-writing coach/teacher, co-creator of the 365 Book Series and Soulful Journals Series, editor of Soul Biz, and bestselling author of Rewrite Your Story. In addition to my own work, I’ve co-authored numerous books with my wife, Jodi, which have sold over 70,000 copies worldwide.
I have an MFA in creative writing and have mentored approximately 1,000 authors—editing, formatting, and even ghostwriting their books and also supporting authors to write and publish their own books through the Your Soulful Book writing program and my private coaching practice. It’s been one of my great joys in life to help people fulfill their book-writing dreams and become bestselling authors.
Unfortunately, I’ve also seen many others who had big writing dreams that never materialized. So, what separates the bestselling author from the aspiring author who never makes it beyond the “aspiring” stage? In my experience over the years, I’ve found a few essential keys that make all the difference – keys that are simple and powerful yet often overlooked by new writers. In this free guide, I’ll explore each of these keys and discuss how they can help you unlock the doors to success and satisfaction…and support you on the path of writing your own soulful book!
If you’ve ever dreamed of writing a book, I would love for you to download this guide and take the first steps toward making your book dream come true!
If you have any questions, please feel free to email me.
In gratitude,